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A great way to incorporate foreign language into your HH is through Inter-Wizard Relations. Are your students studying French? Why not have all your french lessons come from Beauxbatons?

Dumbledore can send the initial Owl, explaining that the Ministry would like to improve relations between the two schools, so all Hogwarts students (and Homeschool Charters) shall begin by studying their language – and they ours.

From then on have your lessons come from some Professeur of something or other at Beauxbaton. You can have this fall under Advanced Charms, or simply Lanugages – that’s up to you.

If you’re just starting out, keep it simple. Start with vocabulary words, and simple sentences that pertain to your everyday life. Things that you and the kids will be saying regularly: bed, door, car, etc – and – put away your toys, i love you, etc.This is a wizarding school, so don’t leave out wand, owl, etc.

For families who’ve been studying a language for some time, it’s as simple as having lessons and Owls coming from the other Wizarding school. Though, as, with those new to the study, add wizarding phrases: Has anyone seen my cauldron?, or the ever-useful You probably should not eat that, as I made it in Potions class.

Don’t forget to make it fun! Kids just starting out can label everything with little squares of parchment. Seeing the words on the items is a great way to reinforce what was learned. If you’re going to write out sentences (in which they’ll insert the correct vocabulary word) make it Hogwartsy: Moaning Myrtle lives in the u-bend of the ____. That’s vastly more fun than In the bathroom we sit on the ______.

More advanced students need to have fun too! Have them write letters in the other language. Perhaps a letter to Charlie Weasley for advice on rearing dragons, or to Professor Flitwick asking for the charm that enchants spinach into tasting like chocolate? (assuming you know more of the language than your students, don’t forget to write back!) 

Older kids can write to penpals; either those who are also learning the language, or those from the country in question. Make sure to find penpals from reputable places (to ensure safety), and stick with other HP fans.

Inter-Wizard Relations can carry over into other areas of HH. Teaching Kitchen Potions? They can plan and cook a meal from the other country. Herbology? Plant a French/Spanish/Etc herb garden. As usual, the only limits are your imagination.

We here at HH are just beginning our Inter-Wizard Relations. Our students shall be receiving lessons from a Wizarding school in Spain. Due to still being behind, we were forced to explain what was going on – and of course blamed Errol for Dumbledore’s Owl having not yet arrived. Errol does come in handy 😉

I hope we’ve given you a few ideas to get you started.  Oh! Don’t forget to use parchment instead of boring Muggle paper.


We are so sorry for the complete lack of posts & lessons! Please do not think we’d abandoned all you fellow homeschooling Wizards out there. Just when we thought we had everything back on track, life decided to throw a bludger at us.

Shan’s family left our midst due to the changing needs of her children. After a few years studying together, we were sad to see her family drop out, but we do understand.

Pia’s plate has become freakishly full. In addition to all the stuff she already managed to cram into her schedule, she is now running the Family Village at this year’s Homeschool Expo.

And me? Well I’ve been busy brewing a little Wizard in my oven. The first few months were fairly rough, leaving me little headspace for planning Hogwarty goodness.

So you can see we weren’t being dreadful on purpose!

Happily Pia & I are slowly getting back into the groove. We’ve gone through the remainder of this session’s lessons, replaced the ones Shan would have taught, tweaked things here & there, & even managed to hold a few classes.

Expect more articles, lessons, & ideas to come – barring any stray bludgers of course.

Thank you for being so patient with us.



hogwartshomeschool (at) gmail (dot) com

Official Ministry Decree

Hogwarts Homeschool was created to help homeschooling families build a magical world in which to educate their children. We are not affiliated with JK Rowling, Warner Bros., Bloomsbury, or Scholastic, nor do we imply rights to characters or images. Any content within that is not created by us shall have the owner listed alongside their creation. All who wish to hold their own Hogwarts at home are welcome to use what we share, but must give full credit back to us, or the listed owner. Remember: Mrs. Norris is watching you!

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